Professional Development

It is essential that we begin preparing ourselves for the job market (whether academic or otherwise) early in our graduate careers. In addition to the helpful articles and weblinks shared in the Professional Development folder available on the History Graduate Student Collab page, there are two other key resources for graduate student professional development at the University of Virginia. These are:

 Graduate Arts & Sciences Career Services at the University of Virginia is a centralized resource for all GSAS students. Our purpose is to assist Master's and PhD students with decision-making and planning for career pursuits within and beyond academe by providing advising services, workshops and other programs, and referrals to up-to-date electronic and print resources. GSAS Career Services actively seeks to develop new resources that can help graduate students make informed career choices and conduct effective job searches.

The TRC offers a number of services and resource materials designed to enhance the teaching abilities and professional development of faculty and teaching assistants at the University of Virginia. The TRC also administers several special programs, recognizing the skills and accomplishments of faculty, and aiding in the development of courses.